Friday, November 11, 2016

Thlog 2

A very helpful activity that we did in class was the “nesting dolls” activity. Nesting dolls are a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. They consist of wooden figures which separates top from bottom to reveal a smaller figure of the same sort inside which has another figure inside of it and so on. The nesting dolls were to help us break down our genres into even smaller genres. Everyone’s genres were so broad including mines until we did the “nesting dolls” activity several times because even after the first time doing the activity there was still some confusion. The activity really started to make more and more sense as we got assignment after assignment.

This “nesting dolls” activity really helped me with PB1A and WP1. As far as PB1A I would say it really helped me because with it I would have just talked about the broad subject of “social media” but instead I was about to break that broad genre down to specific genres inside of the super broad genre for example like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As far as WP1 were we had to pick at least two different genres from (different mainstream media or pop culture) that focus on the same topic. Without the activity I think that I would’ve had two very broad topics which would have probably been very difficult to analyze. So I think this was a very helpful activity that DP came up with and should continue to use this activity in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Troy,

    You're putting forth super-strong work in your PBs, which is great because (1) that means your "PB grade" is looking pretty good, but it also means that (2) you're putting yourself in great position for the WPs -- you're practicing the skills that are essential for each paper/project.

    The one area where I want to see you step up your game is with the thlogs. I noticed that you posted (rushed?) 2 THIS MORNING. My hope is that you're CONSTANTLY and CONSISTENTLY reflecting on what we're doing throughout the course AS you're learning it. That's the best way to become a self-conscious learner, which is what I want you to be able to do.

    You got this. Keep up the good work, my man.

    Go Birds.

