Friday, November 11, 2016

Thlog 1

When I first noticed this course was two classes in one it kind of made me nervous. I thought walking into class for the first time it was going to be an old dull professor. Well good thing I was wrong in that aspect. My professor DP is a very cool guy I actually like the way he teaches I might not like what he’s teaching but his teaching style in general is pretty damn cool. It’s like most of the stuff I learned in grade school was incorrect on an English stand point.

For example I was familiar with the word “genre”. Genre is often times defined as a division or separate class or even things that are regarded as having particular shared characteristics (conventions). Which that interpretation is correct, in Navigating Genres by Kerry Dirk she mentions “Genre is used to refer primarily to form, which meant that writing in a particular genre was seen as simply a matter of filling in the blanks.”. Also understanding what Lloyd Bitzer an rhetorician said “when something new happens that requires a response, someone must create that first response. Then when that situation happens again, another person uses the first response as a basic for the second, and eventually everyone who encounters this situation is basing his/her response on the previous ones, resulting in the creation of a new genre.”. Before this Eng. 101-108 class I only broke genres down as like music: hip hop, rap, country, urban, rock & roll, and like movies: horror, comedies, documentaries, etc.. Which are all genres but I was never was aware or taught that there was also “genres” within writing.

Understanding all these new defined definitions on “genre” they helped me break down different topics to make a selection on my WP1. I think without all this useful information the first half of this class/semester would be nearly impossible because all of our papers had something to do with it in some way or another.

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