Friday, December 2, 2016

Thlog 3

These past couple of weeks I feel have been super duper hectic and chaotic. With the Septa strike that happened, with finding out we’ll be stuck with Donald Trump as our president for at least four years, and with specially me getting into my accident. I just feel as though my focus hasn’t really been on school lately and my grades are reflecting that also. It’s just a lot trying to be productive towards things outside of school and still trying to focus on school at the same time. Even though I don’t have a problem with turning my work in on time, I still feel as though that my work is just mediocre because my all isn’t going into the work as of lately. It’s hard while getting into the groove of writing a paper and then you r mind just jumps to other things going on in your life. Do you think there’s anything to help that? That was a serious question any suggestions?

To me I think that the WP2 was by far the hardest writing assignment we did throughout this course. I felt it was kind of difficult trying to argue two other people’s arguments and still maintain a strong argument yourself. Also with this assignment it felt more difficult than any other assignment we had to include the course readings or maybe it was just me. I feel like a complete idiot for what I did on my WP2 even though it wasn’t intentional and I made an honest mistake I just made that mistake one too many times. With that being said only DP will know what that means. My WP2 grade reflected that horribly but I hope it doesn’t have a major major impact on my final grade and whether or not I pass this class.

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