Thursday, October 20, 2016


When reading any type of literature there are different types of ways to read, depending on your likes and dislikes. The genre I choose to do my PB1B on is Hilary Clinton fit enough to run for President. Paul Waldman who wrote the article “Hillary Clinton is not very good at running for president. In the end, it probably won’t matter. from The Washington Post. In this article Waldman states that “For all her many skills, Hillary Clinton is just not that good at running for president.” I chose the reading style of scanning.

Scanning- which means to look over a text briefly looking for the main idea/something specific out of the whole article.
  • People may scan because they're not deeply interested in the topic
  • People maybe interested enough in the headline or the first sentence of the article to find out what exactly the text is about

I chose this reading style because I wanted to first understand why the writer chose to say Clinton wasn't a fit candidate to run for President and they're reasons why. This article in particular caught my attention because of the title. The race winding down so close to election and I personally don't have to much of an interest in either candidate. Along with that I am very aware that this a very historical election. Being as tho Hilary Clinton would be the first female president and first "First Lady" to become president. In the historical aspect of Donald Trump he would be the first president to be elected with extremely limited experience in politics. I am interested in who will be the new Commander in Chief of my country but with all the negativity attached to both of their names the heading of this article by far caught my attention.

Neither candidate appease me but as stated before I want to know the negativity attached to there names. When I saw the title of this article I was curious as to why the author felt that's Hilary Clinton wasn't fit to be president. Not being a Hilary fan or trump fan I was not interest enough to read the article word for word, but I wanted to hear what the author had to say. I scanned the article for major points that I could comprehend not being very educated in politics and their jargon. Which is a method of a reader whom is scanning.

While scanning this article I came across a statement stating “For all her many skills, Hillary Clinton is just not that good at running for president. That doesn't mean she wont be good at being president, and its a reminder that the two are not the same thing.”. That statement caught my attention because of the title being 'Hillary Clinton is not very good at running for president. In the end, it probably won't matter.'. With this contradicting statement my attention was then redirected to this paragraph and its following sentences which could give me clarity of what he meant, which is also a method of a scanner.

Depending on your likes and dislikes there are several different ways to reading. Scanning is a very popular way of reading. I chose to direct my writing towards this form of reading because it helps me to better understand text by picking out key points. The article I read was 'Hillary Clinton is not very good at running for president. In the end, it probably won't matter.' at first glance this article caught my eye even though I'm not very big fans of neither Clinton or Trump. While reading this article I came across a statement stating that “For all her many skills, Hillary Clinton is just not that good at running for president. That doesn't mean she wont be good at being president, and its a reminder that the two are not the same thing.” (Waldman). Which was a contradiction of the article's title.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Troy Johnson Professor DePiero
10/13/2016 Eng. 101-108

Social Media

Social media has undeniably taken over the 2010s. With so many different websites and apps they are extremely easy to access. Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. The initial idea of social media sites was to connect different people from around the world. You can rekindle relationships with friends and family members from around the world. Since then social media sites have evolved so much more beyond that.

There are many different social sites today. Three of the most prominent social sites of today include Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. Each one has a different set up and abilities , but essentially have the same ideas and target audiences. The target audience for these sites are for the younger population. Generations born after 1970 are the general target , but it is also easy enough to use for people who aren't quite as tech savvy as the younger population.

The purpose of these three social media sites is to connect people from around the world with each other. In the last 2-3 years these sites, Facebook and Twitter in particular have become media outlets for news. You can watch news clips and skip through to highlighted events. More recently Facebook has created "Facebook live". With Facebook live anyone with a Facebook account can broadcast anything they are doing live in real time. This also includes news stations. I recently watched the second presidential debate through my Facebook live feed on one of the news channels that broadcasts to Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs.

Social media sites for the most part have a upbeat tone. Of course it is a place where people come to express their opinions and emotions on different topics. They have a welcoming style, with applications having plenty of bright colors and animations. What makes these social media sites deemed as social networking sites is the ability to see what someone else is posting about in their life from anywhere in the world. They are to also share world news and news going on in your own area. I believe Facebook is the trademark and definition of what social media is today.

Today there are three prominent social sites. In my opinion I believe Facebook is the most prominent. Facebook serves its purpose and in my opinion it is the definition of social media. On Facebook you can create a profile. On your profile you can list your name , the city you live in, where you are originally from, along with your birthday and where you went to school. You can also post pictures and tag various people in the photo either people who are in the photo or that you want to see the photo. Unlike Twitter where you can only tweet 140 characters per tweet or Instagram where you only post photos, Facebook allows you to post both statuses with unlimited characters and many photos. You can add, accept and deny different friend requests giving you some control on who views your photos. As stated by the Investapedia website, who wrote an article about “Twitter vs. Facebook vs. Instagram”, with the information they collected they have come up with conclusion that “As of 2015, 72% of online American adults use Facebook. The site is especially popular among online women, 77% of whom are users of the site. In addition, 82% of online adults between 18 to 29 use Facebook, along with 79% of those 30 to 49, 64% of those 50 to 64 and 48% of those 65 and older. While its user base is dominated by those over 25, Facebook still has over 50 million users under the age of 25.”

Without question social media has dominated the 2010s. With so many different social sites circulating the internet, there are three which are most prominent today including Facebook , Twitter and Instagram. One of the main goals of these three social media sites is to connect people from all over the world. Social media sites are geared with a upbeat tone. Of the three social sites I believe Facebook is the most prominent & serve its purpose as the definition of a social site.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

About me !

Hi my name is Troy. I enjoy listening to music, running, & playing football. I don't really like writing but I was always told that I'm pretty good at it. My major is medical studies and one day I plan on becoming a nurse practitioner. Also if anyone wants to lose any money in Madden or 2k come holla at me.